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Orientation Information

All parents and guardians of incoming kindergarten children are invited to attend Kindergarten Orientation.   The orientation will provide parents of future Bobcat students with an overview of the kindergarten experience, including information about the full-day program, transportation, and before/after school child care. Children will also have an opportunity to meet our Kindergarten staff, and experience a small part of the kindergarten day.  With this information, you will be able to make the best decision for your incoming kindergarten child(ren).    

Orientation will be held at three different times on April 17th, we ask families to sign up for the time that works best for their schedule.  To receive the sign-up link, parents must have completed the registration process and submitted documentation to our office staff.

Not able to make it to Kindergarten Orientation?

Here is a list and links of resources that were distributed.    You will notice, some of the listings will be noted as "required" items. We ask that you complete these documents for our Kindergarten team so that they might be able to place your child in the best class for them.

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