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Enrollment - Kindergarten



Kindergarten Enrollment Directions:  

We are excited to welcome our incoming kindergarten students!

Children who reach age 5 on or before Aug 31, 2024, are eligible for kindergarten registration for the 2024-2025 School Year.  Please share this information with your neighbors, friends and/or family who may also have an eligible student.

Click Here to begin the online enrollment process.  

Next, be sure to email the required documents below to:


  • *Certified Birth Certificate - *We will need to see a certified original prior Kindergarten Orientation.
  • Proof of Residency -Proof of Residency (accepted: a current utility bill - water/gas/or electric, current car registration, or a new lease agreement/buyers agreement)
    • If your family is currently living with another person or family, you will need them to fill out an Affidavit of Residency for your "Proof of Residency". 
  • Parent Photo ID - Government Issued Identification
  • Current immunizations -  We will take Immunizations that your child has had to this point
  • *Physical - *We understand that some children may not have had their physicals yet and will have more immunizations at that time. You may scan that as soon as it is completed, or prior to the first day of school.  School Physicals must be physican signed. 
  • Ages & Stages Development Questionnaire - The link for this questionnaire will be sent to parents after the initial registraion process has been completed.