CI3T Plan
CI3T is a school-wide program developed to encourage successful behaviors academically, personally, and socially. Each and every student participates just by virtue of being at Langston. The goal of this school-wide plan is to equip students with the most beneficial academic, behavioral, and social skills that will support success at school and in life. This plan is also designed to create a more positive school environment.
The CI3T plan is a three-tiered plan, with the expectation that most of our student’s needs will be met by the school-wide program. If the primary plan is not sufficient to meet some student’s needs, additional levels of support are planned. For example, some students may benefit from small group instruction whereas others may benefit most from one-on-one support. We aim to foster a positive learning environment for all students at Langston and support every student for academic, behavioral, and social success.
Individual, Classroom and School-Wide Incentives
As part of the CI3T plan, students earn tickets by following the school-wide expectations such as respecting others, arriving to school on time, and following directions the first time.
When students earn tickets they can be redeemed for classroom incentives (prize box, extra reading time, lunch with teacher, etc.). All teachers have selected items for their incentive menu from which students can choose. Students may also choose things from other staff member’s menu boards (Principal, PE Teacher, Counselor, etc.).
Once students redeem their tickets for individual prizes they are placed in class container to earn class rewards (PJ day, stuffed animal day, lunch in the classroom etc.)
When the class container is full, the teacher will dump all student tickets into the school container for school-wide incentives (picnic lunch day, music at lunch, hat day, etc.).