Arrival and Dismissal
- Doors are unlocked at 8:15 for students coming to eat breakfast
- Students not eating breakfast should arrive AFTER 8:20AM unless they are enrolled in the Boys & Girls Club before-school program
- Students will be supervised outside starting at 8:20AM. Doors will be opened at 8:25 AM
When dropping off your students in the car line, please make sure they are ready for the school day.
Car Riders
- students dismissed starting at 3:50pm
- students dismissed starting at 3:50pm
- W
- students dismissed starting at 1:20pm
Langston uses the IDismiss program for all car riders.
IDismiss - How it Works Video
Students will be dismissed to walk home at 3:45 (1:15 on Wednesdays)
They must cross at the cross-walk on Diamond Head or Bob Billings
Parents walking up to meet their student must remain behind the yellow lines near the bike racks
Bus Riders
Students riding the bus home or to a day care facility will load and unload by the gym doors
Parking Lot
Our parking lot is closed to all visitors from 3:40-4:10 pm
Only cars participating in the IDismiss dismissal program will be admitted.
Families that are not participating in the IDismiss program will need to meet their student en-route, off school property or walk up and wait behind the yellow line.