Site Council
What is the Site Council’s Purpose?
The purpose of the school Site Council is to advise the school on such matters as student learning, education programs, school improvement planning, and accreditation issues. The site council also plays an advocacy role for the school regarding the same issues.
What are the Responsibilities of Site Council Members?
The chair, in consultation with the building principal or his or her designee(s), establishes agendas, conducts meetings, and communicates site council advisement.
Site council members participate in sanctioned school improvement meetings and visits in an advisory capacity.
Site council members periodically communicate with the school community and, at least annually with the local board, on site council activities and other council matters.
Site council members take part in ongoing training to build their knowledge and skills related to site council work.
Who Can Serve on the Site Council?
The site council consists of at least six to twelve members and includes the principal, teachers, other school personnel, parents of students attending the school, the business community and other community groups.
What is the Time Commitment for Site Council Members?