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Support Our School!


Help support our school by ordering pictures, cards and other projects through Shutterfly: 

Order Holiday cards, family pictures and gifts by clicking the link below and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Langston Hughes:   



If you shop on Amazon, please shop  

Langston Hughes PTO Inc as the beneficiary and the school will get donations from every purchase.  


Collet those Box Tops and HyVee Receipts!

 Box Tops 4 Education is shifting to a digital app!! The app is super easy to use. You just download the app, link to Langston Hughes, scan your receipts and the app tells you what you earned or even if there are acceptable products. This year both the clippings and digital submissions will be accepted. Please see the attached information.

 Please click here to view the new directions for collecting Box Tops:

 New Box Top Directions